What Concerns You About Your Body Part 2

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Secondace here.

What really concerns you about your body?

Is it your weight, your vision, your heart, or is it somethint different?

Tell me what Concerns you most about your body and why, and I will definately
work on helping you feel better about yourself.

I’m here for you and All your Helath needs~ Sincerely, Secondace….

Young Woman Smoking?

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Ok Men, (Woman you thought other woman smoking was kool also) you know that there was a time that Woman ( young, average age ) Smoking

that somehow looked sexy to you.

When I was a kid, Girls in my neighborhood who tried to look sexy trying to smoke didn’t even realize
the effects of what it would do to them.

Sorry it’s just not healthy. And would you want to take care of someone who is sick from years of smoking?

Just a quick thought, Secondace.

Shakeology Help someone with their Health

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Her is what Doctors are saying about Shakeology!

Dr. Stephen Patt, General Practice Physician
Nutritionally, Shakeology is superior to anything that I’ve seen out on the market right now. It’s got some components that are very cutting edge. It’s unusual to see this many good things in one place. The reactions I’ve had from people that I’ve given Shakeology to are uniformly positive. They’ve already solved a third of their problems by eliminating a bad meal or a potential bad meal.
Dr. Matthew Janssen, ER Physician
It’s so easy in America to get foods that are full of calories. But to get foods that are balanced in nutrition, particularly one single food that you can eat and get balanced nutrition, that’s a lot harder to come by. It’s great to have something that’s available that gives me a balanced normal meal in my day. Now for my morning routine, instead of grabbing leftovers from the fridge or a Pop-Tart, I have Shakeology that I’ve mixed up and take it with me in the car.
If I can convince each one of my patients to substitute one meal with a shake, or particularly a Shakeology shake, that would be a life-changing change for every single one of them. It’s hard to get people to change their entire diets. But if you can get people to change one meal and take some of those calories out of their day, that would make a huge difference over time.

Here is how to find out more about his Amazing PRODUCT. 702-606-9097 www.shakeology.com/zeus1

Blessings, Secondace

Comments not Showing Up?

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Ant here.

Sorry about the Comments on here not showing up?

We are Working on that and Hope to have that Corrected really soon!

Thank you for the Great Comments~ Your Blogger Ant

Tourette Syndrome, What is it?

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Tourette Syndrome:

It is a rare disorder that affects over 200,000 people. It is estimated that 200,000 people have the most severe

form of this disorder! If you have ever seen a person move their head side to side, or twitching their fingers.

then it is a strong posibility that they may have T.S. Tourette Syndrome was named after Dr. Georges Gilles de la Tourette the pioneering French neurologist who in 1885 first described the condition in an 86-year-old French noblewoman.

The earliest noteable symptoms are found in child hood. Between the years of 7 and ten years old.

One of of my closest friends has this and although he has slight troubles at times, he still leads a pretty normal lfe.

What are the causes of this disorder? TS is and has been associated with the brain and the neurology of the brain cells.

There is no cure for this disorder as it has been said it is very complex to even diagnose or treat. (Yet we can build a better weapon of mass destruction)

There are some medications out there that will help in lowers the amont of tics that person may have in a day.

I chose natural remedies over the ones the drug companies come up with.

This is a disorder that is mostly inherited by past generations and is passed on to the next. Scientists say that we only

use about 10% of our barain and that we have areas that are still utapped and not used?

I hope that this information has been very useful.

“As Always for all your techincal and computer questions, Please go to Tenop.com”


Yoiur Health Blogger, Anthony (Ant)

What’s in your Water?

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

The 35-year-old federal law regulating tap water is so out of date that the water Americans drink can pose what scientists say are serious health risks — and still be legal. Examine whether contaminants in your water supply met two standards: the legal limits established by the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the typically stricter health guidelines. The data was collected by an advocacy organization, the Environmental Working Group, who shared it with The Times.

You can go on-line and look up your city or state and it will tell you what is in it?

As always contact tenop.com for all your computer problems~

Sincerely, Ant

Pregnancy Cravings.

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Pregnancy Cravings can very from woman to woman.
It is the same with complications, they to can very.

The first signs of Pregnancy: Some signs include bloating, morning sickness, cramps, or signs saying is that your monthy maxi pad run? You may also experience tendernous in your nipples, also known as swollen or painful breasts. You may also see a darkening (Darkening areolas) which means
you may close to your period? But 9 out of 10 times it means that you are pregnant.
Fatigue and nausea are also common factors.

Men if your wife has had a tendency to snap lately, you want to get some clear blue easy. (He he)

There are alot of tests out there can tell you accurately whether you are pregnate or not?
From what I understand the best one is called “Clear Blue Easy”

Keep in mind that most of the symptoms that you are beginning to feel can be related to Pms symptoms.

Believe it or not woman can create certain symptoms because of their willingness to become pregnant.

When all else fails, please check with your Doctor.

Your Blogger, Ant

Aids Auto Immune Disease

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Aids is also known as Hiv.

This Virus is supposidly thought to kill T-cells in the body? (Immune system)

For many years people thought just sitting on a toilet might have givien you Aids?
Kissing someone who was Hiv positive would have given it to them.

Paramedics would not even want to treat a person, if they thought that they had Aids?

Hospitals would have to quarantine patients off so that they would not (Supposedly)
infect Hospital workers and other patients.

Research has com along way but we are still miles away from a cure?

It was thought or has been proven that monkeys have the Hiv virus in them, but do not
become Hiv Positive or become full blown with Aids?

From the late 1970’s to the early 80’s Aids had spread to 7 continents, affecting approximately 100,000 to 300,000 people. (This would include man woman and children)

There was an estimate that there were 5.1 million people living in India in 2007 living with aids?
Wow that is a huge amount of people living with it in one country!

Today there is no real cure for Aids, and whether or not Governments of something else created it to
contrl the earths population, we may never no?

I will be adding more to this. God Bless Secondace.

As Always for all your computer needs it’s ” Tenop.com”
Health and fitness. ” www.beachbodycoach.com/zeus1

Shakeology. Doctors reports

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Secondace here~

Ok everybody here it is!

This stuff is Amazing and what it is doing for peoples lives, is truly Awesome!

Here are what Doctors are saying about it?

#5 Dr. Marvin Slepian
Cardiologist, Tucson, AZ

The reality is that the bulk of cardiovascular disease is really preventable. So if I had a product like Shakeology, which supplements the patient and stops them from taking unnecessary high-caloric foods, then that ultimately leads to weight loss for the patient, which is a good thing overall. You win on many levels.

#21 Dr. Catherine Hannan
Plastic Surgeon, Arlington, VA

I think Shakeology, having such a low glycemic index is pretty amazing. When you taste it, you really think you’re drinking a milkshake. You’d be surprised that there’s not more simple sugar in there. I know there is a sweetener in there, an all-natural sweetener, which is great. To have that flavor, to have that almost kind of a guilty pleasure, and then realize it’s such a low glycemic index, it’s kind of surprising.

#24 Dr. Mark Tannenbaum
Cardiologist, Oakton, VA

It takes a lot of work for people to get proper nutrition these days. Diet and nutrition is something very important as far as maintaining normal metabolism, preventing injury as well as fixing things as they are injured over time. To have a patient come in who’s had a heart attack, and now has an awareness of what needs to be done to prevent that secondary event. Shakeology would be something good for a patient like that.

#2 Dr. Matthew Janssen
Emergency Medicine, Pomona, CA

If you get your weight and health under control, automatically the blood pressure is taken care of. If you could convince people to supplement breakfast or lunch with a shake like this, it could go a long way towards helping people with their overall health and particularly with losing weight.

#3 Dr. Mark Cheng
Chinese Medicine, Santa Monica, CA

One of the things that Shakeology impressed me with is the ingredient list. It has adaptogens and herbs used in ayurvedic traditional medicine. The beauty of Shakeology is the tremendous high-quality ingredients. I see a lot of samples come through my office and Shakeology is the one without a doubt I instantly threw myself behind.

Thank you Doctors for being honest about a product that can save lives!


Sincerely, secondace~

Steroid Use, and the effects!

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

steriod use
This is what Steroid use may or may not cause to a persons body?

Take a good look at the photo and then read the side effects!

Sincerely, Ant~    tenop.com for all your computer needs~