Lung Cancer!

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

lung cancer

Antnee here.

This is one of many things that happen when we don’t think that smoking can do anything to us?

“Now On Facebook”

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Atnee here,

I am now on facebook!

Fightforyourhealth. Look us up!!!!!

For all Your Computer Problems, get ahold of!!!!! 4 out of 5 stars~
For all Your Health needs,

Thanks Secondace

Hiv ~ Aids.

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Antnee here.

In the Beginning Hiv, Aids was thought to be the Grim reaper desease.

Ambulances wouldn’t even transport victums of this horrific desease.

Patients had to be seperated, isolated from the rest of the hospital. Family members had no idea

what was going on with there loved ones?  It was estimated that between 100,000 to 300,000 people

was found to have this crippling desease around the world in the early stages of finding it.       (1980)”Dr. Curran said there was no apparent danger to non homosexuals from contagion. ‘The best evidence against contagion’, he said, ‘is that no cases have been reported to date outside the homosexual community or in women'”The New York Times 11

It was later discovered (5 months) that not only was the homosexual population getting it, but drug users with dirty needles were also getting it.

We have come along way since then, and Doctors and Scientists are working around the clock to find a cure.

If  Hiv~Aids was meant for one class of people it has gotten way out of control.

Fast forward to the present. It is estimated now that over 70,000,000 (estimate) have this crippilng Desease,

but it is slowing down with new treatments, and people are becoming more aware as to how they can get it and how it is contracted.

Ways of contracting it.

(1) Dirty needles.

(2) Blood transfusions.

(3) Unprotected sex.

(4) Blood to blood contact.

Sometimes things get blown out of perportions. If people (Doctors, Nurses, Medical staff) would have not looked at this in the beginnig as something they could not treat or work with, peoples lives might have not suffered in the way they did. Also patience would have lived longer.

Antnne (Secondace)

Now on facebook. Fightforyourhealth

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Ant here.

We are now on facebook!

You can go there as well as here~

Blessings, Antnee

Shakeology. What are Doctors saying?

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Antnee here. (Secondace)Perfect Health

Here are what Doctors are saying about Shakeology, and how it is healing people!

#5 Dr. Marvin Slepian
Cardiologist, Tucson, AZ

The reality is that the bulk of cardiovascular disease is really preventable. So if I had a product like Shakeology, which supplements the patient and stops them from taking unnecessary high-caloric foods, then that ultimately leads to weight loss for the patient, which is a good thing overall. You win on many levels.

#21 Dr. Catherine Hannan
Plastic Surgeon, Arlington, VA

I think Shakeology, having such a low glycemic index is pretty amazing. When you taste it, you really think you’re drinking a milkshake. You’d be surprised that there’s not more simple sugar in there. I know there is a sweetener in there, an all-natural sweetener, which is great. To have that flavor, to have that almost kind of a guilty pleasure, and then realize it’s such a low glycemic index, it’s kind of surprising.

#2 Dr. Matthew Janssen
Emergency Medicine, Pomona, CA

If you get your weight and health under control, automatically the blood pressure is taken care of. If you could convince people to supplement breakfast or lunch with a shake like this, it could go a long way towards helping people with their overall health and particularly with losing weight.

#4. Dr. William Katkov
Gastroenterologist, Santa Monica, CA

As a Gastroenterologist, I really like Shakeology because of its nutritional value and low caloric content. The value of all of the components in Shakeology help to maintain a balance of healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract, maintaining a sense of well-being and avoiding a lot of the symptoms associated with irregularity and irritable bowel syndrome.

#3 Dr. Mark Cheng
Chinese Medicine, Santa Monica, CA

One of the things that Shakeology impressed me with is the ingredient list. It has adaptogens and herbs used in ayurvedic traditional medicine. The beauty of Shakeology is the tremendous high-quality ingredients. I see a lot of samples come through my office and Shakeology is the one without a doubt I instantly threw myself behind.

Thank you Doctors for taking the time to tell people what this amazing product can do for people!

Sincerely, Antnee. (Secondace)

How to fix your getting on this site problem?

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Secondace here.

Alot of you here are having problems getting onto this page, site.

I am just the Blogger. The person you need to reach is at

He is the Wizard and make-up Artist of the site!

Without him I would be powerless to even set this page up.

He can fix or make you a computer of your dreams!

Blessings, Secondace

Deleted messeges on here

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Sorry people I am the only one working on writing these Blogs.
I sometimes will miss great messeges that you have sent me.
Therefore I will miss them and delete them accidently.

Keep up the Good comments.

God Bless, Secondace

Not on twitter but on facebook.

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Ant (secondace) here.

I am working on a buisness page for facebook.

I hope that this page will change the way people think about their Health.

God Bless, Ant

Prostate Health

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

There are alot of good stuff out there on Prostate Health and here is just some tid-bits to chew on.

Seven Steps To A Healthy Prostate

Pretend for a moment that you lived in an ideal world where you had all the time and money you needed to care of your prostate – what would your game plan look like? Most of us don’t live in that world so using our best Bill Walsh, Bill Belichick and Tom Landry we have laid out our 7-point strategy that science and researchers indicate might be the best way to make your prostate bullet-proof! For lifelong prostate health this simple strategy should be your best offense and defense!

(1) Eat healthy foods like Fruits, Vegtables, fish, and avoid foods with fatty acids.

Eating these types of foods can lower your risks of having all types of cancers. Docotrs and Scientists are not sure how they work, but that they do. Diets rich in Omega-3’s is a great sourse to lowering your chance of getting cancers.

(2) Heres one that is hard for me. “Exercise daily” Excercising is not been shown to be linked to not getting cancers, but it has been shown to help improve your prostate.

(3) Soy protein powder. Research indicates that americans fdo not get enough protein in there diets. where as the Asains do. There prostate cancer rate is much lower then ours in the united states. (much lower)

(4) One of the better products tested out there is called Prostavar. It has shown Great results among men. Prostavar will take care of your currant symptoms and has been proven to be a smart deciesion for me just starting to have prostate problems.

(5) Have more sex. Researchers say it is the Ejaculation not the sex that removes the toxins from your prostate.

(6) Go easy on the booze. Although things like red wine are good for your Heart, (in moderation) it will cause you to pile on the calories and to build up more toxins. Another proponent of red wine is fitness guru Jack Lalanne. His basic health philosophy is this: exercise every day, eat nothing that is man-made, like High Fructose corn syrup and drink one to two glasses of red wine a day. At 94 and still going strong, he may be right. For he has virtually zero prostate problems.

(7) Last but not least, Always check with your Doctor!

Sincerely your health blogger,  Anthony




Pregnancy Worries.

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Woman have been asking questions about signs of pregnancy and other related issues.

Well here you go.

Guys you might want to read this to as it might concern you to know the symptoms also.

Woman just seem to know when their bodies are telling them it is time to try and concieve. This does not mean that they will, but it means they have a good chance of getting pregnant.

Hear are some signs that might just tell a woman that she may be pregnant?

Bloating, nausea, (morning sickness) cramping, tendernous of the nipples, darkening of the nipples also called ( Darkening areolas) Darkening of the nipples can be associated with Pms, but 9 out of 10 times it means that a woman is pregnant. (Hooray)

Also guys, if your wife or girlfriends becomes really moody then I would say that is a good sign also. She want to go out to eat pickles and icecream. (Eww)

Though you may not look pregnant yet, chances are you’re feeling it — your pregnancy hormones flooding your body causing you a whole bunch of changes. What can you expect thisearly on setting? Besides new aches (tender, tingly breasts, anyone?), you’ll find your taste buds now have a mind of their own as food cravings and aversions have you under their spell.

If all else fail in your diagnosing, then please contact your Doctor.

Sincerely, Ant