Some Cold and Flu Myths~

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Don’t go out with wet hair. Cover your mouth when you cough. These classic “mom” cold and flu tips were recently put to the scientific test. The verdict: Most won’t keep us safe from viruses, though a few do have merit, says Rachel Vreeman, MD, an assistant professor of pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine. And Mom did get a couple of things right. Here, experts set the record straight on which motherly advice is worth taking.

1. You’ll get sick if you go out in the cold with wet hair.
Truth: Exposure to viruses—not skipping the blow-dryer—causes cold and flu.
“Scientists have studied this really well,” says Dr. Vreeman. “They’ve put cold viruses in the noses of two groups of people. One group was then exposed to cold/wet conditions, and people who were chilled were no more likely to get sick than those who weren’t.” Being outdoors can make your nose run (cold weather dilates blood vessels), but it doesn’t make you more susceptible to viruses.

Worst habits that make you sick

2. Feed a cold, starve a fever.
Truth: This is half right.
When you’re congested, nutritious food will fortify your immune system. But when you’re feverish, your metabolism is revved up and you need more energy—not fewer calories—to fight off infection. Bottom line: Stay hydrated and eat well, no matter what your symptoms.

3. Avoid dairy when you have a cold.
Truth: There’s no medical basis to skip dairy when you’re sick.
Many people, including some pediatricians, believe that dairy products increase mucus production. However, research shows this may be a placebo effect. In one study, people who knew they were drinking cow’s milk reported more nasal symptoms than those who had soy milk—but people who didn’t know which milk they were drinking reported the same (minimal) effects.

8 best and worst cold supplements

4. You lose most of your body heat through your head.
Truth: It’s wise to keep your head covered with a cozy hat.
Technically, you don’t lose more body heat through your head (about 10%, which is proportional to the body surface area), but it might feel that way, says Cleveland Clinic researcher Daniel Sessler, MD. That’s because your face is about 5 times more sensitive to temperature than other areas are. “It’s an early warning system that alerts you to put on a sweater or turn up the thermostat long before your core body temperature gets too cold,” says Dr. Sessler

Use it for: Stomachaches

This root is well-known as a stomach soother, and rightfully so. It’s great for relieving just about any gastrointestinal illness, including motion sickness and pregnancy morning sickness. To make a tea, steep a tablespoon of ground fresh ginger in hot water for 10 minutes, then strain.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Use it for: Bruises
Apple cider vinegar is an excellent natural anti-inflammatory. Dab a little on a cotton ball and rub it directly on a bruise, or make a paste out of the vinegar and an egg white or petroleum jelly and smear it on the bruised area.

Olive Oil
Use it for: Eczema
Packed with inflammation-reducing antioxidants, olive oil is the basis of many moisturizers; used alone, it’s free of chemical irritants you may find in store-bought creams. Rub 1 teaspoon per square inch of skin, creating a seal that keeps skin from drying out. For serious cases, cover oiled skin with plastic wrap overnight.

These are just a few home remedies.

Also take a look at Shakeology

Organic foods?

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

They say that when you buy organic foods, that the product you are buying is organic?
Look at the product very closely, and see just what they are really putting into their products?

I was told at a store mind you that just because they say organiuc, does not mean all of that particular product is?

How can they do this or get away with this you might ask?

The Government of the United states says there is no such things as UFO’s, even with what happened in Roswell N.M. but to those who have seen one, they will tell you otherwise.

We are always being mislead in some form or fashion, so always be sure you check the entire product before buying it. even if it says organic.

sincerely, Secondace

Alzheimers and Smoking?

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

I just read an article about Smoking and people who are middle aged, and how it may be linked to a greater risk of having this horrible disease called Alzheimers.

Alzheimers is a debilitating disease that ravishes the mind of it’s ability to take control of ones memory. It also puts a huge strain on family members, and their finances as well.

They are now having lawyers telling people that hey may have a settlement, due to the unknown side effects of certain drugs?

Where is the settlements for people 50 and older (give or take a few years) who got hooked on cigarettes because of some of the ingredients they have put in them, and the side effects they have had on their bodies?

I’m 49 years old and I didn’t know as a teenanger what the effects would even be like?

Thankfully now I have been smoke free for many years and I feel really good.

I’m not trying to put the Pharmacies out of buisness, but I would really like to see compensation for everybody who was and has been mislead about smoking and the real causes it has.

Please tell your family and friends about

Sincerely, Secondace

Death and Taxes?

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

They say the only thing you can’t avoid is “death and taxes” People will say that they feel like they can’t get rid of the fact that cancer runs in their family? Even though they don’t have it, they feel that because their ancestors all got it, that they will get it to.

Yes it is true that you cannot avoid “death and taxes” Even Methuselah in the bible lived to be 969 years old, but eventually succumbed to death.

This site is not to “Discredit” any person, place or thing, it is intended to help people learn about health and fitness. It is intended to give people a better out look on a better way of life!


Energy drinks and sleep

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Energy drinks are good for a quick pick me up,
But what do they really do in the long run?

Let’s look at a percentage ratio.

If a body is fully awake at 100% and your working
On 20% alertness, your body is telling you that you Need Sleep!
Things like Redbull give you the ability to give you a little extra
Energy then you would have without it, but although your mind tells you that you
Are alert, your body tells you that you are really weak. Energy drinks
also have been noted to cause kidney stones. Please your comments~

Smoking and whats in it!

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

The list of 599 additives approved by the US Government for use in the manufacture of cigarettes is something every smoker should see. Submitted by the five major American cigarette companies to the Dept. of Health and Human Services in April of 1994, this list of ingredients had long been kept a secret.

Tobacco companies reporting this information were:

American Tobacco Company
Brown and Williamson
Liggett Group, Inc.

Here is a list of just some of the Ingredients.

•Acetic Acid
•2-Acetyl-3- Ethylpyrazine
•Aconitic Acid
•Alfalfa Extract
•Allspice Extract,Oleoresin, and Oil
•Allyl Hexanoate
•Allyl Ionone
•Almond Bitter Oil

Thank Goodness people can stop smoking and learn how much a Benefit Shakeology is!

BeachBodycoach Video.

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Click here to view video

Smoking and Health and Beauty

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

It is amazing how a Woman will take hours to make their outsides look flawless, and take 5 minutes to destroy it?

Smoking is not made with Vitamin and minerals. In fact it is made with more Cancer killing ingredients then you could possibly imagine.

I watched my Aunt go thru many by-pass surgeries and how smoking had taken her life!

This is why we promote Shakeology~

P90X Extreme

Author: secondace  //  Category: Physical

Shakeology how it works?

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

This patent-pending daily nutritional shake helps your body gently eliminate toxins more efficiently while allowing for better absorption of the essential nutrients you need. A proprietary blend of digestive enzymes and prebiotics helps your body progressively eliminate the toxins that build up over time from eating today’s highly processed foods.

At the same time, whole-food ingredients deliver the essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals your body needs to curb cravings, allowing your body to shed stored fat while the more than 20 different antioxidants and phytonutrients help reduce free radical damage that can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure, and stroke.