Pregnancy Worries.

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Woman have been asking questions about signs of pregnancy and other related issues.

Well here you go.

Guys you might want to read this to as it might concern you to know the symptoms also.

Woman just seem to know when their bodies are telling them it is time to try and concieve. This does not mean that they will, but it means they have a good chance of getting pregnant.

Hear are some signs that might just tell a woman that she may be pregnant?

Bloating, nausea, (morning sickness) cramping, tendernous of the nipples, darkening of the nipples also called ( Darkening areolas) Darkening of the nipples can be associated with Pms, but 9 out of 10 times it means that a woman is pregnant. (Hooray)

Also guys, if your wife or girlfriends becomes really moody then I would say that is a good sign also. She want to go out to eat pickles and icecream. (Eww)

Though you may not look pregnant yet, chances are you’re feeling it — your pregnancy hormones flooding your body causing you a whole bunch of changes. What can you expect thisearly on setting? Besides new aches (tender, tingly breasts, anyone?), you’ll find your taste buds now have a mind of their own as food cravings and aversions have you under their spell.

If all else fail in your diagnosing, then please contact your Doctor.

Sincerely, Ant

Energy drinks and sleep

Author: secondace  //  Category: Uncategorized

Energy drinks are good for a quick pick me up,
But what do they really do in the long run?

Let’s look at a percentage ratio.

If a body is fully awake at 100% and your working
On 20% alertness, your body is telling you that you Need Sleep!
Things like Redbull give you the ability to give you a little extra
Energy then you would have without it, but although your mind tells you that you
Are alert, your body tells you that you are really weak. Energy drinks
also have been noted to cause kidney stones. Please your comments~